welcome to djw.id.au

  • Stratocumulus Legal:  My professional site.  I launched my own law practice in May 2020, with a focus on Australian intellectual property and related law.  The website includes a blog-style format of legal topics in this area of law.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

  • Micronesian Odyssey 99: My original travelogue website of my trip to Micronesia in 1999, which has somehow stayed alive on the Internet in various guises over the years, and a forerunner of Micro Odysseys.  Re-built in April 2020.
  • Tuvalu Odyssey:  Following the “odyssey” website theme that seems to have emerged, photo galleries of my trip to Tuvalu in 2010.  Some bits need to be re-built after restoring from a crash.
  • Micro Odysseys: A website that I’m developing containing galleries of my travel photos, based on the concept that each trip was, in itself, a micro sized odyssey (and also a play on the name of my Micronesian Odyssey 99 & Tuvalu Odysseys websites).  Under construction (and perhaps always will be).
  • Mechakuchaめちゃくちゃ: This website chronicled my life in Japan from 2008 to 2010, and is in a bit of disrepair, but is now largely reserved for things about Japan and other travel.